[NEW FUNKO RELEASES] on 10 August 2022

ariel azrael batman blacklight boss britney spears captain america circus DC disney doomsday Elvira falcon funko Pop! icon inferno squad Iron Man leprechaun Living Room 00's Marvel MHA Mini Moments mini vinyl figures My Hero Academia Mystic Armor pop! Power of the Galaxy Padme Amidala republic commando rocks Sleeping Aizawa star wars the falcon & the winter soldier vinyl soda WandaVision winter soldier

These are the new Funko releases on 10 August 2022:

Shop Funko New Releases here: https://simplytoys.sg/collections/funko-new-release


FU56097 Pop! Star Wars: Republic Commando - Boss (Glows-in-the-Dark, International Exclusive)
FU56098 Pop! Star Wars: Inferno Squad - Iden Versio (with Helm Chase, International Exclusive)

FU58153 Pop! Heroes: DC - Azrael Batman (International Exclusive)
FU58154 Pop! Heroes: DC - Doomsday (International Exclusive)

FU58157 Pop! MARVEL: Iron Man (Mystic Armor) #922 (International Exclusive)
FU62755 Pop! MARVEL: The Falcon & The Winter Soldier - Captain America (Blacklight, International Exclusive)

FU61435 Pop! Rocks: Britney Spears - Circus (with Chase)

FU64675 Pop! Movies: Leprechaun - Leprechaun with Flash (Glows-in-the-Dark, International Exclusive)

FU64909 Pop! Icons: Elvira (Blacklight)

FU64928 Pop! Star Wars: Power of the Galaxy Padme Amidala (International Exclusive)

FU60960 Mini Moments: WandaVision - Living Room 00's (International Exclusive)

FU64911 Mini Vinyl Figures: ST S4 - 12PC PDQ

FU64302 Vinyl SODA: 
The Falcon & The Winter Soldier- Winter Soldier with Metallic Chase ( International Exclusive)

FU64394 Vinyl SODA: Disney - Ariel with translucent blue Chase (International Exclusive)


FU57271 Pop! Animation: My Hero Academia - Sleeping Bag Aizawa (International Exclusive)


1. These items will be available in-stores on Wednesday (10 August 2022).
2. Items availability solely depends on the schedule of delivery.
3. Reservation for the newly released items is not allowed.
4. *Chase Pop!s are released on Saturdays for redemption on a first-come-first-serve basis. Chase Pop!s are NOT available online.

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