[NEW FUNKO RELEASES] on 26 July 2022

comic cover dc dceased loki marvel marvel monster hunters marvel zombies monster hunters myltiverse of madness turning red

These are the new Funko releases on 26 July 2022:

Shop Funko New Releases here: https://simplytoys.sg/collections/funko-new-release


Pop! MARVEL: MARVEL Zombies - Thor (Glow-in-the-dark, International Exclusive)

Pop! MARVEL: Loki - President Loki
Pop! MARVEL: Loki - Kid Loki

Pop! MARVEL: Monster Hunters - Dr. Doom
Pop! MARVEL: Monster Hunters - Green Goblin
Pop! MARVEL: Monster Hunters - Loki
Pop! MARVEL: Monster Hunters - Thanos
Pop! MARVEL: Monster Hunters - Venom

Pop! Comic Cover: MARVEL - Moon Knight
Pop! Comic Cover: MARVEL - Thor (International Exclusive)
Pop! Comic Cover: DC - DCeased Green Lantern

Pop! Moment: MARVEL - Loki and Sylvie (International Exclusive)
Pop! Moment: Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness - Dead Strange & The Scarlet Witch

Funko PLUSH: Turning Red 7" - Red Panda Mei

Paka Paka: Oddvocados - 18PC PDQ

1. These items will be available in-stores on Tuesday (26 July 2022).
2. Items availability solely depends on the schedule of delivery.
3. Reservation for the newly released items is not allowed.
4. *Chase items are released on Saturdays for redemption on a first-come-first-serve basis. Chase items are NOT available online.

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